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double staining中文是什么意思

用"double staining"造句"double staining"怎么读"double staining" in a sentence


  • 二重染色法
  • 复染法
  • 双重染色法
  • 双重着色


  • Immunofluorescence double staining
  • After i . c . v . 6 - ohda , the c - fos expression of these areas induced by cold stress reduced significantly . 2 ) double staining showed that fos - like immunoreactive positive granules were observed in some vasopressin ( avp ) - immunoreactive positive neurons in paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei , as well as in some tyrosine hydroxylase ( th ) - immunoreactive positive neurons in nts and lc nuclei
    ( 2 )双重染色显示,寒冷应激诱导的fos样免疫反应阳性颗粒可见于室旁核( pvn )和视上核( son )中的部分加压素( avp )阳性神经元及孤束核( nts ) 、蓝斑( lc )中的部分酪氨酸羟化酶( th )阳性神经元。
用"double staining"造句  


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